Unlike you, bugs never take a vacation. Once your initial exterminator treatment wears off in your new or existing residence, they’ll be back, ready to do what they do best—invade your home, and possibly destroy it.
That’s why we recommend one of our simple, affordable residential pest control protection plans. For just pennies per day, you can enjoy the serenity and peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is guaranteed to be pest free. Whether you choose a monthly, quarterly, or one-time protection plan, our pest control experts will utilize their combined 320 years of experience to rid or protect your home of:
When you’re ready for the award-winning service a reliable exterminator, call (919) 553-9888 for more information or contact us here. We’ll find the right residential pest control plan that fits your needs and budget.
Available Protection Plans
Our # 1 pest control service includes:
- Additional visits between scheduled quarterly visits at no additional charge.
- Treatment around the exterior of your home, where 90% of your pests originate.
- No waiting around for service calls—you don’t have to be home for us to do our job.
- Spider webs are removed from the exterior windows, doors & eaves of your home.
- Interior treatments for active insect issues only.
- We will point out potentially conducive conditions for insects around your home.
The following insects are covered under this service:
American Roaches; Crickets; Ants (except Carpenter); House Mice; Brownbanded Roaches; Ground Beetles; Norway Rats; Silverfish; Centipedes; Roof Rats; Spiders; Earwigs; Firebrats; Oriental Roaches; Smokey Brown Roaches; Ticks; Grasshoppers.
Perfect for pre-existing pest problems.
- We target the pest you are having a problem with.
- We will point out conducive conditions for insects around your home.
Full Termite Treatments cover the following:
- $ 1,000,000 damage repair guarantee.
- Re-treatment at no additional charge if termites re-infest your home.
- We offer the industry leader, Termidor.
- We offer a free inspection/quote by one of our trained professionals.
- Floors & carpets in treatment area must be vacuumed prior to treatment.
- All toys etc. must be picked up in treatment area prior to treatment.
- All people & pets must be out of area to be treated.
- Our products kill the fleas & have growth regulators built into them.
An effective one-time service!
Do you have dirt mounds in your yard or play area? We provide localized treatment to each mound.
- We guarantee that once we treat a mound, fire ants will not re-establish in that mound.
- Treatments are priced according to the number of mounds that you have on your property.